As of UE 5.4, the Common UI button (UCommonButtonBase) still doesn’t support direct focus settings. This is because UCommonButtonBase is derived from UUserWidget, which supports focusing, but doesn’t direct the focus to the underlying button itself automatically. However, you can still set the focus on the button by performing a “deep” focus on the Slate button. Here’s how you can achieve this:

 * Sets the focus on the button
 * This function performs the "deep" focus on the Common UI button, which means that it will set the focus on the button itself
 * This is useful since UCommonButtonBase is derived from UUserWidget, which doesn't support focus when setting it directly
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "|UI|Button", DisplayName = "Set Button Focus (Common UI)")
void SetCommonUIButtonFocus()
	if (bIsFocusable)
	if (IsFocusable())
		if (TSharedPtr<SButton> SlateButton = GetSlateButton())
			if (SlateButton->SupportsKeyboardFocus())
				FSlateApplication::Get().SetKeyboardFocus(SlateButton, EFocusCause::Mouse);
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Set focus on button '%s' (extended way)"), *GetName());
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Trying to set focus on button '%s' but the button does not support keyboard focus"), *GetName());
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Trying to set focus on button '%s' but the slate button could not be found"), *GetName());
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Trying to set focus on button '%s' but the button is not focusable"), *GetName());

 * Gets the Slate button widget
 * The button is highly encapsulated and this function tries to scan the widget tree to find the button
 * @return The Slate button widget if found, nullptr otherwise
TSharedPtr<SButton> GetSlateButton() const
	if (WidgetTree && WidgetTree->RootWidget)
		if (UButton* InternalButton = Cast<UButton>(WidgetTree->RootWidget))
			// UCommonButtonInternalBase::RebuildWidget() creates a SBox wrapper for the button
			if (TSharedPtr<SBox> BoxButtonWrapper =	StaticCastSharedPtr<SBox>(TSharedPtr<SWidget>(InternalButton->GetCachedWidget())))
				if (BoxButtonWrapper->GetChildren() && BoxButtonWrapper->GetChildren()->Num() > 0)
					if (TSharedPtr<SButton> InternalButtonSlate = StaticCastSharedPtr<SButton>(TSharedPtr<SWidget>(BoxButtonWrapper->GetChildren()->GetChildAt(0))))
						return InternalButtonSlate;
			// UButton::RebuildWidget() returns the button directly
			else if (TSharedPtr<SButton> InternalButtonSlate = StaticCastSharedPtr<SButton>(InternalButton->GetCachedWidget()))
				return InternalButtonSlate;
				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Could not find the Slate button widget for button '%s'"), *GetName());
	return nullptr;