This is a short article on how to convert an enumerator to FString in Unreal Engine.


In Blueprints, it is easy to convert all supported enumerators to FString. Simply drag your enumerator to the required pin, which will automatically add the necessary conversion node.

Removing dots with incorrect reference behavior


In C++, the implementation varies based on the type of enum used.

Unreal Reflection System

If you want to use a solution that is compatible with the Unreal Reflection System and accordingly uses UENUM, there is an in-built method named UEnum::GetValueAsString.

Unreal Reflection System-friendly solution

Header file:

// This is your enum
enum class EnumExample : uint8

Source file:

// This is how you obtain the string representation of the enumerator
FString StringRepresentation = UEnum::GetValueAsString(EnumExample::EnumValue2);

Pure C++

If you want to use a pure C++ solution, you should create a function to manually convert the enumerator.

Pure C++ solution

Header file:

// This is your enum
enum class EnumExample : uint8

class AnyClass
	static constexpr FString EnumToString(EnumExample Enum);

Source file:

constexpr FString AnyClass::EnumToString(EnumExample Enum)
	switch (Enum)
	case EnumExample::EnumValue1:
		return TEXT("EnumValue1");
	case EnumExample::EnumValue2:
		return TEXT("EnumValue2");
		return TEXT("Invalid");

// This is how you obtain the string representation of the enumerator
FString StringRepresentation = EnumToString(EnumExample::EnumValue2);